Elder Newsome

Larry Elder’s Gubernatorial Campaign Presents A Paradox For California Libs

If Caitlyn Jenner, as a transgender woman running for the GOP gubernatorial nomination, presented a problem for identity-driven, “diversity”-conscious Democrats in California, what will Larry Elder do?

Elder, the conservative talk radio host, announced Monday that he too is running for governor in the state’s Sept. 14 recall election of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.   

Elder is black.

While Democrats nationally and their allies in the liberal media seek to divide the country along racial lines, by painting all Republicans as white nationalists, Elder fired back with a pointed question:

“Do I look like a white nationalist?” Elder told the Associated Press in its report on his candidacy.

Elder, from his perch as a radio host and syndicated columnist, holds views common among traditional Republicans, promoting limited government, individual liberty, personal responsibility, and free-market economics.

If there is a difference, and race may be the main factor here, it is that he has been more willing to attack Black Lives Matter and other race-baiters for polarizing the country along racial lines.

Elder showed this last year when, as executive producer, he released a documentary called “Uncle Tom,” which featured some prominent and some everyday black conservatives discussing how they are viewed and portrayed as race traitors by liberal black leaders, the Democratic Party, and the media.

In the film, for example, Elder explained, “We’ve gone from 25 percent of Black kids born outside wedlock in 1965, to nearly 70 percent now. You cannot attribute that to Jim Crow and racism. It has to do with bad government policy.

” In the movie, he noted that liberals define an Uncle Tom as “somebody who has sold out by embracing the white man, by becoming a Republican, by rejecting the idea that you’re a victim, by supporting things like hard work, accountability, and low taxes, by refusing to think of yourself as a black person first as opposed to as an American who is black.”

In outlining why he’s running, Elder told the AP, “I have common sense. I have good judgment. I’m born and raised here. I think I understand the state,” he said. And, he added, his campaign is about “returning to the bedrock constitutional principles of limited government and maximum personal responsibility.”

Elder admitted that he’s a long shot, but believed that the race really will be between him and Newsom.

In two months, California voters will be asked to decide Newsom’s fate with one question: Should he be recalled?

If a majority say yes, then the voters would select the Republican who would succeed him.

Los Angeles Times columnist George Skelton said Elder would benefit by a large GOP field that could split the vote. His name recognition and fundraising reach, through his standing among conservatives nationally who want to stop California’s nutty left-wing politics at its state line, could give him a boost, Skelton argued. And while Republicans are heavily outnumbered, they also are more motivated than Democrats.

If Elder pulls it off, undoubtedly we’ll see more racist attacks from those “tolerant” liberals who can stand or advocate for almost anything, except seeing a black man as a Republican.  

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