August 31, 2020
By: Staff Report
PORTLAND, Or. – UPDATE: REPORT OF MICHAEL REINOEHL KILLED BY POLICE CLICK HERE. Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, is being investigated for fatally shooting Aaron Danielson (aka Jay Bishop), a member of the conservative group Patriot Prayer after a pro-Trump rally on Saturday night in Portland.
Danielson was shot and killed shortly after the rally ended in Portland, and died in the street. The aftermath was caught on video.
Michael Reinoehl SOURCE: FACEBOOK Micahel Reinoehl SOURCE: FACEBOOK Michael Reinoehl SOURCE: INSTAGRAM
Reinoehl has posted videos and photos of protests he attended after the death of George Floyd on May 25th, 2020, with hashtags #blacklivesmatter, #ANTIFA, and #fuckthepolice.
“Every Revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight. There are so many of us protesters that are just protesting without a clue of where that will lead. That’s just the beginning that’s where the fight starts. If that’s as far as you can take it thank you for your participation but please stand aside and support the ones that are willing to fight. I am 100% ANTIFA all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters! Even if some of them are too ignorant to realize what antifa truly stands for. We do not want violence but we will not run from it either! If the police continue to pick on and beat up innocent citizens that are peacefully voicing their objections, it must be met with equal force! We are currently living through a crucial point in Humanities evolution. We truly have an opportunity right now to fix everything. But it will be a fight like no other! It will be a war and like all wars there will be casualties. I was in the army and I hated it. I did not feel like fighting for them would ever be a good cause. Today’s protesters and antifa are my brothers in arms. This is a Cause to fight for This truly is fighting for my country! I have children that need to live in a world run by Common Sense and human decency. And I will do anything to make sure that happens. Now is the time to change the course of humanity. If we fold now just because they show some Force we will be lost for another hundred years. And I don’t think the planet will let us live that long if we don’t straighten shit up. Please be safe strong and United. I love you all❤️💪🙏
#Antifa #blaklivesmatter #fuckthepolice” – A quote from Michael Forest Reinoehl on Instagram.