have a laugh, tampa not so serious

Zoo Animals Vs. Kids, Not So Serious

August 29, 2020 By: Jake Grissom HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. – Take a much-needed break from COVID-19 and political coverage, and have a laugh. This video compilation is hilariously epic. If you have a funny video, compilation, or story you would like to share, email it…

Gold Rush Limited Scratch-Off From The Florida Lottery

Hernando County Man Wins $1 Million on Gold Rush

August 28, 2020 By: Staff Report HERNANDO COUNTY, Fla. – The Florida Lottery announced that Paul Humphrey, 70, of Spring Hill, claimed a $1 million prize from the $15,000,000 GOLD RUSH SPECIAL EDITION Scratch-Off game using a secured drop box located at the Jacksonville District…

president donald trump

A Tale Of Two Conventions

August 28, 2020 Opinion By: Michael Reagan WASHINGTON, DC. – This week’s Republican National Convention was the best I’ve ever watched. The locations and settings were great. Melania did a fine job in the White House Rose Garden. Vice President Mike Pence praised President Trump…

pasco county florida

Pasco Businesses Eligible for COVID-19 Redevelopment Loan

August 27, 2020 By: Staff Report, PR PASCO COUNTY, Fla.- Make COVID-19 related modifications to your facility with Pasco County’s Redevelopment Loan Program.  The Offices of Economic Growth and Community Development are partnering to assist local businesses in making improvements to existing facilities that follow…

featured abraham accord

What The Israel-UAE Peace Treaty Means

August 25, 2020 By: Tim Bryce, Bryce On Politics TAMPA, Fla. – For as long as I can remember, there has always been turmoil in the Middle East. For example: – The Six-Day War between Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan in 1967.– The War between…