July 29, 2020
By: Staff Report and Pasco PR
NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. – Successful pilot program completed, the Office of Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller’s online e-issuance program for summonses and similar Civil Courts documents goes live Monday, August 3rd.

E-issuance involves a Civil Courts deputy-clerk affixing an authorized electronic signature to documents submitted through the Florida Courts eFiling Portal. By eliminating paper and no longer requiring in-person visits by petitioners and process servers, the process becomes speedier and more efficient.“It’s a significant step forward, one we’re certain our customers and partners will welcome,” said Clerk & Comptroller Nikki Alvarez-Sowles, Esq.
“As with most significant progress,” she added, “it didn’t happen overnight. Our Civil Courts Operations and Information Technology teams have gone to great effort over the past year to make sure the process is efficient and effective for our Office and customers.”
“The value of this project to our Office, customers, and citizens is tremendous,” Civil Courts Director Dr. Jerome Jordan said. “The ability for Clerk’s staff to electronically issue documents, such as proposed summonses and writs e-filed with our Office, will eliminate many manual, time-consuming processes.”
Highlights of the program include:
• Reducing the time necessary to process documents.
• Shrinking the turnaround time to make documents available to the filer.
• Notifying filers at their eFile-registered email address a document has been added to a case and is available for viewing and downloading.
• Eliminating postage and other costs as e-filers log in to the Clerk’s website to retrieve their issued documents to effect service.
“It’s a win-win,” Dr. Jordan said, “and we are excited.”
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