CLEARWATER, Fla. – Applicants are needed to fill seats on the following advisory boards in Clearwater:

Environmental Advisory Board – Identifies and assesses environmental objectives and provides input to Council. The board meets quarterly on the 3rd Wednesday at 4 p.m. (January, April, July, and October). Applicants must be a Clearwater resident.
Marine Advisory – Makes recommendations regarding city marinas and waterways.
The board meets quarterly on the 2nd Wednesday at 8 a.m. (March, June, September and December). Applicants must be a Clearwater resident.
Code Enforcement Board – Conducts hearings regarding enforcement of fire, Business Tax Receipts, building, zoning, sign, and related city codes. Meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Members shall be registered voters, file an annual financial disclosure statement with the state, reside within city limits, and experienced in the fields of architecture, business, engineering, construction, or real estate.
Nuisance Abatement – Conducts hearings on public nuisance cases associated with prostitution and drug-related activities on known properties throughout Clearwater. Board meets as called on the 1st Wednesday of the month. Members shall be registered voters, reside within city limits, and file an annual financial disclosure statement with the state.
Those interested can apply here: