Irans Next Presidential Election Without Three Prominent Figures

Iran’s Next Presidential Election Without Three Prominent Figures

The Guardian Council of Iran declared the names of qualified candidates for Iran’s next presidential election. The list includes Saeed Jalili, Ebrahim Raisi, Mohsen Rezaei, Alireza Zakani, Amir Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, Abdolnaser Hemmati, and Mohsen Mehralizadeh. The big surprise is that the Guardian Council disqualified…

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Talking Between Iran and Saudi Arabia is not Coincidence says Senator Murphy

Talking Between Iran And Saudi Arabia Is Not Coincidence, Says Senator Murphy

Iran and Saudi Arabia have recently commenced their talking in Baghdad about the region’s issues. The negotiations are processing after several years hesitate between the two sides, and the U.S welcomes the good relationship between two powerful countries in the Middle East. Some analysts say…

Read More Talking Between Iran And Saudi Arabia Is Not Coincidence, Says Senator Murphy
Why Should Iranians Be Worried About 25 Year Cooperation Agreement Between Iran And China Arrest Lakeland Man In Attempted Murder Case

Why Should Iranians Be Worried About 25-Year Cooperation Agreement Between Iran And China?

The 25-year cooperation agreement between Iran and China was signed on March 27, 2021. Some analysts say the agreement is leading Iran towards an Eastern geopolitical orientation, and it is a meaningful signal to the U.S for reviving the nuclear deal. Although the Iranian officials…

Read More Why Should Iranians Be Worried About 25-Year Cooperation Agreement Between Iran And China?