Bernie Sanders Vermont Exam Question

Bernie Sanders, Alleged Man Of The People, Acts Like A Potentate

It is no secret that many liberals are pure hypocrites, routinely failing to live by the standards they want imposed on us peons.

Sen. Bernie Sanders was among the more egregious among them. 

The avowed socialist who denounced privilege and demanded ever-higher taxes to punish the wealthy and those who boost the economy owns three homes and, according to Forbes, raking in nearly $5 million from 2009 to 2018.

When questioned about how a fan of Marx who despises the rich was now rolling in dough, thanks to the capitalist system, Sanders flippantly told The New York Times, “I wrote a best-selling book. If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too.”

Now comes a new book by Edward-Isaac Dovere of The Atlantic, hardly a bastion of right-wing thought, about 2020, detailing what a fraud the Vermont socialist and Green New Deal advocate is on one of his core issues: climate change.

During his 2016 presidential bid, Dovere wrote, Sanders developed an affinity for private air travel and no longer “worrying about being late for a flight that couldn’t take off without him.”

And his demands for hotel rooms were divaesque. Sanders liked suites with bathtubs and demanded king-sized beds, requiring a down comforter. And Sanders redefined “room temperature.”

As Dovere wrote, “The temperature in the room had to be kept at 60, even if that required having a staffer sit in the room with an open window in the winter to make sure it cooled enough or calling management in to override the system.”

“There was no bending the rules: once on a stop in California, annoyed that his aides couldn’t get the temperature below 65, he had them call the woman from the front desk up to change the thermostat while he sat on the bed, watching. She couldn’t get it to work, and nervously humiliated, she apologized. Sanders didn’t care. ‘So, Chloe,’ he said, annoyed. ‘You don’t want me to sleep tonight?’”

Obviously, a true man of the people – if those people have at least three homes, $5 mil in the bank and fly private jets.

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