Tito Luna Florida

Florida Congressional Candidate Matt Tito Calls On Anna Paulina Luna To Apologize For ‘Murder Plot’ Smear

PINELLAS COUNTY, FL. – Florida District 13 Congressional Candidate Matt Tito is calling on Anna Paulina Luna to clear the record and stop the dramatics.

In a letter sent to Luna, Tito says, “On June 10th, 2021 you made a malicious and deliberate error in choosing to include my name within a request for a protective order against William Braddock. You have defamed me by floating the allegation that I was part of a plot to murder you based on a private and illegally recorded conversation between your associate and William Braddock.”

William Braddock, who is running for the seat vacated by Democratic Rep. Charlie Crist, was allegedly recorded, before becoming a candidate, during a 30-minute call where he warned an activist not to support candidate Anna Paulina Luna because he had access to assassins, Politico originally reported.

“I had no involvement in that communication and certainly never made any personal threats toward you. In the weeks to follow, you’ve had multiple opportunities to right the wrong and yet your attack on my upstanding reputation as a US Marine combat veteran has only intensified,” said Tito in the letter to Luna.

Since these allegations, the police investigation into these claims resulted in “case closed”, and no charges were filed against Braddock or anyone named in the case.

Tito said, “The St. Petersburg Police report exonerates me and concludes that there is no evidence to support Luna’s claims that I was involved in a plot to kill her.”

“After speaking with Tito and reviewing the evidence provided in this case, I have no reason to believe that Tito was conspiring to kill or do physical harm to Luna,” said the St. Pete Police report.

“I have attached a letter that I’ve sent to Ms. Luna, requesting a public apology for maliciously lumping my name into her request, for no other reason than to create fodder. This was clearly a malicious tactic to smear my name,” said Tito.

In the letter to Luna, Tito says, “The official police report not only led to no charges for Braddock but, as I said would be the case from the very beginning, it yielded no evidence whatsoever that I was involved in any plot to harm you. Your claims were unfounded. They were reckless and they went well beyond dirty politics to defame me personally. I am requesting a public apology from you..”

“By your own admission, you had no independent proof of threats from me. You had no grounds to file any complaint toward me personally, but merely saw an opportunity with Braddock and decided to lump me into this charade knowing full well that it would create fodder and public speculation. Whatever Braddock chose to say, or not, in private is out of my control and has no connection to me. You are the source of this vile public smear,” wrote Tito.

“In the event that you elect not to do the right thing and apologize, I will be forced to consider a defamation suit with discovery to begin immediately. I am not a fan of lawfare but your own spokesman has suggested litigation to bring the facts to light. There’s no place for violence or threats in politics and I do not condone any form of intimidating behavior,” he added.

Tito concluded, “I am calling on you to clarify the truth and apologize for dragging my name through the mud in this political charade. The 13th congressional district of Florida deserves a leader who is stable, credible, and grounded. We don’t need dramatics and theater in Washington D.C., we need servant leaders. I await your reply.”

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