Maxwell Frost

Florida Democrat Now Proclaims Illegals Are “Citizens” Once They Arrive To America

Maxwell Frost
Maxwell Frost (File)

Left-wing Florida Rep. Maxwell Frost continues sticking to his argument that the poem adorning the Statue of Liberty should actually be considered U.S. policy on immigration. 

One difference, however, is that he’s arguing America does not need immigration law at all, since any illegal is automatically a U.S. “citizen” once they arrive in America.

On Thursday, Frost, an Orlando Democrat, doubled down on his argument that America should accept illegals without question because of the wording of Emma Lazarus’ 1883 poem “The New Colossus.”

Read: Florida Dem Cites Statue Of Liberty Poem As Rationale For Allowing 10M Illegals Into The U.S.

To recap, Lazarus’ work, which is affixed to the Statue of Liberty, ends with the lines: “Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

As the Tampa Free Press reported Thursday, Frost had recited those lines during a congressional hearing on Wednesday in which he challenged Republicans to tear down the Statue of Liberty or face being seen as liars and hypocrites for not welcoming immigrants.

On Thursday, Frost went further, posting a graphic on X that featured part of Lazarus’ poem, along with his comment: “Our country has told and advertised to refugees that this is the place to come to. If my Republican Colleagues want to push bigoted immigration legislation to harm the right of asylum, they should file a bill to tear down the Statue of Liberty so we stop lying to the world.”

As reported by the conservative website The Floridian, Frost continued promoting illegal immigration at a rally outside the Capitol, as supporters of illegals held placards that read “#SaveAsylum” and “No more racist border policies.”

Read: Florida Gov. DeSantis Touts Record-Breaking Success Of Great Outdoors Initiative

“They’re not aliens. They’re not invading us. They’re America,” Frost said.

“One of my favorite things to do is go to the citizenship ceremonies, and what I always tell everyone there is, ‘Today, you’re not becoming an American. You’re becoming a citizen. Because you became an American the day you got here. That is what this country is supposed to be about.”

Frost, who is the first Gen Z member elected to Congress, then repeated his rhetoric from Wednesday’s hearing. He challenged Republicans who support a tough border security measure known as HR 2 to tear down the Statue of Liberty because it is promoting a lie to the rest of the world.

“Tear it down. Take it down. Let’s stop lying to the entire globe,” said Frost. “If you’re gonna be for gutting this system, which is the bedrock and foundation of this country, at least don’t be a damn liar.” 

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