September 2, 2020
By: Staff Report, FWC
FLORIDA – The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is seeking input on proposed revisions to diamondback terrapin rules. These proposed revisions are expected to affect take, possession, transport, and sale of the species in Florida. More information on the proposed revisions can be found at:

Webinars During the Public Comment Period
Key information on proposed rule changes will be presented at two public webinars. The webinars also offer an opportunity to ask questions. Each webinar will offer the same information. Participation in the webinar will require access to a computer. A recording of the webinars will be available online between September 15 and October 2, 2020, for interested parties who are unable to attend.
To participate please choose a date and the live links are as follows:
Wednesday, September 9th from 3:00pm to 4:00pm (ET)
The webinar will be broadcast online here as a Microsoft Teams Meeting
Monday, September 13th from 1:00pm to 2:00pm (ET)
The webinar will be broadcast online here as a Microsoft Teams Meeting
How to Comment
Written comments will be accepted between September 2 and October 2, 2020. Please email comments to If you would like to comment but are unable to do so in the specified timeframe, or if you prefer an alternate format in which to comment, please contact
Comments are closed.