Republican Presidential candidate Steve Laffey is responding after the U.S. Energy Department report found that the COVID-19 pandemic likely originated from an accidental lab leak in China.

GOP Presidential Candidate Steve Laffey: The Great Debate

As we approach the second Republican debate, the party continues to lack the organization and leadership needed to launch a real attack on the Democrats in the general election.
Op-Ed By GOP Presidential Candidate Steve Laffey

As we approach the second Republican debate, the party continues to lack the organization and leadership needed to launch a real attack on the Democrats in the general election.

Let’s examine the facts.

Donald Trump is once again turning up his nose to the GOP, refusing to take the debate stage and face his rivals. That means that next Wednesday’s debate in California will be another throwaway for Fox News. I wonder if the questions will actually focus on the future of America, or will it be another case of invasion of the body snatchers with a serious, real question about UFO’s?

The former President tried to upstage the first debate with an outrageous sit down with Tucker Carlson. This time around, he’s taking things a step further, with an actual campaign event in Detroit scheduled for the same time as the second debate. Are you kidding me? How many times can the former President disrespect the Republican party before leadership says enough?

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Most likely – the answer is that there is nothing that Donald Trump can do that would turn party leadership against him. Try to steal an election? Fine. Face nearly 100 felony charges? Punch that ballot. Get convicted of sexual assault? We’ll save your seat in the Oval Office.

Another week, another not-so-shocking poll on the current state of the race. The former President with a commanding lead in New Hampshire. It’s the same headline that’s been repeated for months now. But inside those polling numbers is a shocking progress report on my fellow Republican rivals.

Ron DeSantis may have come in like a lion, albeit a lion filled with technical glitches with Elon Musk. Now, he’s going out like a lamb, falling to fifth place. The Florida governor still cannot figure out what message he wants to send to voters. Instead of uniting our country, he continues to fight his childish battles against Disney. He’s earned the title Double-Talk DeSantis with his refusal to pick a lane on social security. His love-hate relationship with Donald Trump is straight out of a middle-schooler’s diary. And let us not forget his most shocking line: “SVB Bank went broke because it was woke?” Huh? Mr. DeSantis’ attempts to “make woke happen” have failed miserably. Someone please stop this; it is too painful to watch.

The same poll continues to measure the meteoric rise of Vivek Ramaswamy. It’s no surprise since he treats his campaign like he’s a rockstar, with the tour bus and his army of carbon-copied followers. I’m fairly certain the mainstream media has built up the Ramaswamy campaign just so they can tear him down. The media seems to love his religious obfuscation. There is one God Vivek, we just want to know why it’s Brahma and reincarnation and not Jesus. Maybe we will have to wait until the South Carolina Christians get involved. In the meantime, I am sure the nuclear missiles will be removed from Kaliningrad, and Russia will split from China. Double down on Trump’s nonsense, make it more ludicrous and go up in the polls!

As predicted, Nikki Haley has finally started to bite the hand that once fed her. I can only imagine what Donald the Terrible thought, as he heard his former UN Secretary call him “weak in the knees,” “thin-skinned,” and” easily distracted.”

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Christie is the biggest sycophant in the race. He loved Trump…until he didn’t get a job. At 2% in the national polls with 66% of republican primary voters, never, ever voting for him, he will need a 7-way primary without Trump in the race to be the nominee. When everyone knows you and two-thirds of them really hate you, hmmm, maybe he is simply auditioning for a job on MSNBC. No one knows me, and I am within the margin of error of being ahead of Christie! Running to take down his former buddy, Christie has no skill set to do so (remember 2016?). His last executive job ended with his staff going to jail, the bond rating going down and leaving office in disgrace. In today’s upside-down world, a perfect resume to apply for the biggest executive job in America!

Donald Trump won’t be at the debate, and I don’t blame him as he has a commanding national lead, and no one can seem to launch an attack that actually wounds his campaign. I have designed a set of issues in this campaign to take Trump down over any three-week period. But neither the media nor my party seem to want this. They want Trump and shiny objects. Complete failure of the economy, my party and this country is happening in front of our faces– but on to California, Fox News and more discussion of abortion, Trump, and UFO’s! And don’t forget, never mention the middle class whose lives have been destroyed, or how difficult it is to get out of poverty, or who is responsible for inflation (hint-think Donald Trump, the Federal Reserve, and Tim Scott in 2020!)

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Tampa Free Press.

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