U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Schellers

Marine Corps Commander Who Criticized Biden Pullout Of Afghanistan Predicts He Will Now Face ‘Jail Time’

It seems totally fitting in President Joe Biden’s America that the only person to pay a penalty for speaking out about the disastrous, chaotic pullout from Afghanistan was someone who demanded that military leaders be held accountable for troops dying and U.S. citizens being stranded.

And now the penalty may include jail time.

After 13 U.S. troops were killed in a terrorist attack during the frenetic evacuation in Kabul, U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller’s ranted in a social media video about his own “growing discontent and contempt for my perceived ineptitude at the foreign policy level.”

“People are upset because their senior leaders let them down and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying, ‘We messed this up,” Scheller said in the Aug. 27 video, noting that he personally knew one of the Marines who was killed.

“I’m not saying we’ve got to be in Afghanistan forever,” he added. “But I am saying: Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, ‘Hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone? Did anyone do that? And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say we completely messed this up?’”

Almost immediately, Scheller, commander of a training battalion, was relieved of command.

Scheller has now returned to say that he is being investigated ahead of a possible court martial, and may face jail time. 

In a new post, made last week, Scheller, who now says he is a “former” lieutenant colonel, said “Once the investigating officer finalizes his recommendation, the Marine Corps will decide if they should pursue court-martial.”

“I will be found guilty,” he predicted, “and will probably do some jail time. This will provide me a valuable opportunity to read, write, and contemplate.”

The Washington Examiner, which first reported the story, confirmed that the Marines are investigating Scheller. The service declined to comment further.

In another Facebook post, which revealed another aspect of Biden’s America,. Schelle acknowledged that he was the one who was forced to undergo a mental health screening after his initial video.

But, he added, “For all my followers… I’m not going anywhere. Everyone is scared that the weight of the system is crashing down on me. But I know something you don’t… it’s the system that’s going to break. Not me.”

“I am moving forward with my resignation,” added Scheller, who formally submitted his resignation on Aug. 31. “I, like many of you, am very scared. But courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s the ability to overcome it. At the end of the day, if I stand with accountability and integrity, the system can’t beat me.”

“We can’t ALL be wrong,” Scheller concluded. “They only have the power because we allow it. Every generation needs a revolution.”

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4 Replies to “Marine Corps Commander Who Criticized Biden Pullout Of Afghanistan Predicts He Will Now Face ‘Jail Time’”

  1. If he goes to jail for this then I demand AOC and all the other dems be prosecuted for the same or worse behavior during the Trump administration

  2. LTC Sheller is an American, not a puppet on a string as some believe !!! What is he incarcerated for – what UCMJ article ??? He said he would resign !!! He’s paying the price of brig time because of idiots that won’t admit the truth about Afghanistan !!! What’s America coming to – a nation of irresponsible leaders ??? Afghanistan was a debacle as LTC Sheller points out and America’s leadership has fallen !!! He’s willing to forego his retirement and all the benefits that come with it AND HE’S PUT IN THE BRIG !!! A sad day for him and for America when a person can’t tell the truth without being incarcerated for it – yes, even though he’s on active duty !!!

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