Larry Hogan

Maryland Gov. Hogan Rejects Sanctuary Status – When No One Is Being Deported

Gov. Larry Hogan is one of those Republicans the media love to love.

For one thing, he relished being a Donald Trump critic. And as the leader of arguably the most rabidly blue state south of New England and east of the Leftist Coast, Hogan governs far more liberally than a Republican from, say, Alabama or Wyoming.

But Hogan showed he could go against the grain.

On May 26, Hogan announced that he had vetoed a bill that would make Maryland a “sanctuary” state for illegal immigrants.

The liberal enclaves that opt for such a designation vow to oppose, or at least not cooperate with, efforts to support federal authorities, especially the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service, from enforcing laws regarding deportation.

“As promised, I have vetoed sanctuary state legislation that would hinder local law enforcement’s ability to cooperate with federal law enforcement,” Hogan said on Twitter.

The governor also advocated that those who support him on this issue sign a petition to encourage Maryland lawmakers to not override his veto.

“Local law enforcement should fully cooperate with federal law enforcement — a principle I have consistently upheld throughout three federal administrations led by presidents from both political parties,” Hogan said in the petition. “Flawed legislation such as this sets a dangerous precedent regarding the state’s commitment to upholding the law and ensuring the safety of our citizens.”

“As governor,” he added, “I believe in creating an inclusive and diverse Maryland, which is why our administration has consistently welcomed refugees who the federal government has determined are properly and legally seeking refugee status and have been adequately vetted. By promoting diversity and inclusion for all while upholding our commitment to public safety, Maryland’s approach is consistent with both our laws and our values.”

Hogan, as a Republican running an overwhelmingly blue state, appears to be taking a bold and brave stance for the rule of law and order.

Yeah, not so much.

The day before Hogan vetoed this misguided bill, The Washington Post reported that the ICE officers “that (former) President Donald Trump lavished with praise have far less to do on the streets of U.S. cities these days.”

“Under new Biden administration rules curtailing immigration enforcement, ICE carried out fewer than 3,000 deportations last month, the lowest level on record. The agency’s 6,000 officers currently average one arrest every two months,” the Post added.

“ICE under President Biden is an agency on probation. The new administration has rejected calls from some Democrats to eliminate the agency entirely, but Biden has placed ICE deportation officers on a leash so tight that some say their work is being functionally abolished.”

It’s not difficult to reject demands that tell ICE to take a hike and leave lawbreakers alone when Biden has handcuffed ICE and is fast turning America into a sanctuary country.

Nice try, Larry. 

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