mike moore

One Pasco Commissioner Making a Difference for Area Businesses

June 21, 2020

By: Staff Report

PASCO – If you don’t frequent Twitter or follow Pasco Commissioner Mike Moore there, you are missing out.

mike moore

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Commissioner Moore is promoting small businesses, one at a time, to help with the economic recovery stemming from the COVID-19 shutdown.

“It was just a fun thing that kind of started just to get the word out about these places,” Moore says. “It’s tough right now for them to spend money on advertising, so this is a big help. Every little bit you can do to help these small businesses is worth it.”

As we’ve entered into a full Phase 2 opening in the State of Florida, and quickly approaching a full opening-recovery period for the state, advertising budgets have been sliced, and getting the word out about local small business is essential.

Commissioner Moore is leading the charge in Pasco County.

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