Capitol Riot Detainees Begging to be sent to Gitmo

Pair Of Jan. 6 Rioters Beg Judge To Send Them To Gitmo

Conditions are so bad in a Washington, D.C., jail that a pair of Jan. 6 rioters are begging to be sent to Gitmo.

Newsmax on Thursday published a copy of a letter recently sent to a federal judge by Capitol riot suspects Ryan Nichols of Texas and Robert Morss of Pennsylvania.

In the letter, Nichols and Morss outlined 77 grievances in claiming that their human and constitutional rights are being violated at the jail. Portions of the letter that are directly quoted below are as written.

“The Medieval conditions of confinement that we are subject to are torture. This is not a correctional facility, this is an evisceration facility, designed to break the body, mind, and soul, of men whom are presumed innocent until proven guilty,” they wrote.

“Democracies do not behave this way. Totalitarian governments that jail and murder their political opponents do.”

Among their complaints, the suspects assert that they “must beg” for water and medical aid, that they are denied religious services, visitors, and access to their lawyers.

Their laundry is returned with “brown stains, pubic hair and a reeking of fresh urine.” Worms infest their salads. Malnourishment is causing inmates to lose their hair and eyesight, or suffer from scurvy.

The drinking water contains rust, mold lives on the walls and floors of cells, and toilets “repeatedly explode.”

But then it becomes apparent they are being held in a Democratic stronghold.

“No vaccine means to (no) visits of any kind. No vaccine means no haircut. No vaccine means no religious service,” they wrote.

Additionally, Nichols and Morss said, “We are force-fed CRT [Critical Race Theory] propaganda on tablets. We are force-fed reeducation propaganda on tablets. … There is anti-White Racial messaging on our tablets.”

“We are repeatedly mocked and or insulted us for our skin color and ‘Religious’ documentation. We are compared to ‘Beast,’ ‘Dogs’ and ‘Hogs.’ We are force-fed the racist ‘The Final Call’ newspaper that states Whites are sub-human and evil. Staff wear political clothing with BLM [Black Lives Matter], Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and the Vote Democrat on it. We are sent to ‘The Hole’ if we express any political views whatsoever. We are racially profiled by guards.”

The authors also maintained that they have been assaulted by correctional officers and have “endured egregious beatings” by them.

“The only thing you not yet taken from us is our souls which lay within the weakened bones of our famished chests. Us prisoners have witnessed a multitude of horrendous horrors and have been deeply afflicted by the hellacious conditions this jail, which insists on tormenting us, its defenseless and traumatized guests,” they added.

“We are Political Prisoners on American soil who have been unjustly and unfairly incarcerated. We are relentlessly burdened by selective prosecution. We are slandered and vilified by mainstream media,” they concluded.

“We receive death threats from within the jail. We receive death threats upon our homes and families through the mail. ALL because of our political affiliation.”

“Guantanamo Bay Cuba is a detention facility that actually provides nutritional meals, routine sunlight exposure, top-notch medical care, and is respectful of Religious Requirements. It has centers for exercise, and entertainment for the detainees, even though those detainees are Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Taliban that have actually killed American citizens,” Nichols and Morss argued.

“Therefore, if the Government is going to continue to illegally hold us in DC-Guantanamo, under the abovementioned horrific conditions, subjecting us to cruel and unusual punishment, and various tortures. We hereby, make the following request: Let us spend our precious and limited days in Guantanamo Bay Cuba, where the enemies of the United States of America are treated better than us group of January Sixers, who have merely been accused of crimes.”

Last week, GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene visited the D.C. jail housing many Jan. 6 inmates.

In an interview, she told Newsmax that they suffer under “God-awful conditions,” and “appeared to be men who were political prisoners of war.”

“I’m not defending what they had done at the Capitol, and I’m not defending the riot, because I did not like the riot, but what I am there for and the reason why I’m standing up for this issue is I am I am solidly against political witch-hunts,” Taylor Greene said.

“You know this is the greatest country in the world, and we are not a country where people should just languish and rot away in jail simply because they didn’t like the outcome of an election.” 

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One Reply to “Pair Of Jan. 6 Rioters Beg Judge To Send Them To Gitmo”

  1. These officials are public servants trusted with some authority which they are abusing to please Pelosi and her corrupted gang to force these people into saying what ever they want them to say so, they can go after President Trump. Charges need to be filed against all who are involved in this and prosecuted, that includes Pelosi and her gang they are not above the law.

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