August 7, 2020
By: Staff Report
LAND O LAKES- Fla. – Pasco County School Superintendent Kurt Browning posted a video message for parents and students to kick off the new school year.

“This is the time of year that I do a standard back-to-school video offering a few words of encouragement and highlighting something new or different for the upcoming year. Well this upcoming school year everything is new and different,” said Browning.
As Pasco Schools prepare to open for classes on August 24th, mask requirements, social distancing, and safety measures are in place.
What if a student test positive for COVID-19?
Browning says, “We have spent a lot of time game-planning for that, with health professionals, because it is going to happen and it is so important that we get it right. If we learn about a positive case while the student is in school, we move with a sense of urgency. The student is moved to a place in the school clinic that has been set aside for such cases.”
“We call the parent or guardian. Then while protecting the students’ privacy, we determine who has been in close contact with the infected student. We will check to see if they are bus riders or if they attend the after school program. Those who came in close contact will be notified via phone call and email, ” said Browning, “We will notify the entire school in the spirit of transparency. We will let everyone at the school know that someone at your school has tested positive.”
The complete video address for Pasco students and parents is below.
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