A recent poll of 800 Hispanics by a company called Bendixen & Amandi International, found that for the overwhelming majority of them “Latinx” is not a thing.

Poll: Hispanic-Americans Resoundingly Reject The Woke Label “Latinx,” So Loved By Democrats

While running for president last year, Joe Biden size up a difference between Blacks and Hispanics, in his usual mush-mouthed way.

“Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things,” Biden said.

But what Biden, and the rest of the woke Democrats didn’t understand, is that Hispanics are not “diverse” enough – at least as liberals use that term.

A recent poll of 800 Hispanics by a company called Bendixen & Amandi International, found that for the overwhelming majority of them “Latinx” is not a thing.

The pollsters asked: “Which of the following terms comes closest to describing your ethnic background?”

Most of them – 68 percent – answered Hispanic. Another 21 percent replied Latino/Latina. Eight percent opted for an undefined “something else.”

Latinx? Just 2 percent identified that way.

As thoroughly unpopular as the term is, little changed when the pollster broke it down by age. The widest acceptance of the Latinx – sometimes pronounced “La-tinks” – was among those 18-29. And even then, only 4 percent opted for that identifier – compared to 66 percent who claimed Hispanic.

It gets better.

While politically correct liberals bend over backward to pay homage to the Latinx community, it is twice as popular with Republicans as Democrats. Four percent of respondents who asserted Latinx identity were in the GOP, relative to 2 percent of Democrats. 

Meanwhile, 40 percent of respondents said the use of the term Latinx bothers them at least a little. Half that group – 20 percent of the total – replied that it bothers them “a lot.”

When asked if a political party adopted the term to appeal to them, those surveyed by a 2-1 margin – 30 percent vs. 15 percent – said it would make them less likely to support that party, instead of more likely.

Accordingly, pollster Fernand Amandi tweeted on Monday, “The use of Latinx, a term that didn’t exit [sic] until recently but has been embraced by @TheDemocrats to describe Hispanics + Latinos, may be doing more harm than good to Dem chances of winning.”

Even one of their own is telling Democrats to put away the woke.

In retweeting Amandi’s comment, U.S. Rep. Ruben Gallego, an Arizona Democrat who describes himself as a “proud progressive,” said, “To be clear my office is not allowed to use ‘Latinx’ in official communications. When Latino politicos use the term it is largely to appease white rich progressives who think that is the term we use. It is a vicious circle of confirmation bias.”

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