
Poll: More Americans Want Congressional Probe Of BLM Riots Than Jan 6 Riot

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic allies can toss out their party’s talking points about the Jan. 6 riot being the worst assault on American democracy since the Civil War all they want.

Most Americans are not buying it.

In fact, they see the violent extremists enmeshed in the causes Pelosi supports as far more worthy of a congressional probe.

On Wednesday, Rasmussen Reports, a conservative-leaning pollster, reported that “most voters believe Congress should also investigate the Black Lives Matter protests that sparked violence in major cities last year.”

Rasmussen, which surveyed 996 likely voters, says 66 percent of them “think Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests. Only 21 percent disagreed. Thirteen percent were not sure.

Support was broad across all racial groups, and bipartisan.

“Sixty-seven percent (67%) of whites, 64% of black voters, 66% of Hispanics, and 62% of other minorities think Congress should investigate the 2020 riots in U.S. cities,” the pollster noted. “Seventy-five percent (75%) of Republicans, 60% of Democrats, and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major party say Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests.”

“The number of voters who want Congress to investigate last year’s violent protests is higher than the 49% who say they support House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s select committee investigation of the January 6 Capitol riot,” Rasmussen added. “Forty-two percent (42%) say they don’t support the January 6 investigation.”

On other issues, Rasmussen said 63 percent of respondents said the BLM rioters should face criminal charges, just as more than 500 Jan. 6 rioters do.

Sixty-five percent reportedly disagreed with the BLM claim that the American and pro-police “Thin Blue Line” flags are “symbols of racism.”

The poll also pointed out that 62 percent of those surveyed think elected officials who downplay the nationwide 2020 rioting and looting “deserve to be criticized,” which is significantly higher than the 51 percent who believe politicians should be denounced for downplaying the U.S. Capitol riot.

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