Jussie Smollett who was allegedly victimized in what Vice President Kamala Harris once dubbed a “modern-day lynching” has been found guilty of..

Smollett’s Hole Gets Deeper After A Second Supposed Accomplice Testifies

It still seems like a long shot that liberal, race-baiting actor Jussie Smollett will be held accountable for perpetrating a massive race hoax.

After all, even if the defendant is black, as in this case, we’re assured by the left that America has a two-tiered justice system that favors the rich and famous, like Smollett.

But after trial testimony on Thursday, it’s clear Smollett is in a very deep hole – and he’s dragging down all those left-wingers who defended him as the victim of a Trump-inspired hate crime.

According to Breitbart News, Olabinjo Osundairo, one of the two brothers Smollett allegedly hired to help him carry out the fictitious attack, testified that the actor “wanted the brothers to douse him with gasoline and put a noose around his neck.”

He added that Smollett gave them a $100 bill to buy supplies, which ultimately included bleach and not gas, and paid them $3,500 to go along in perpetrating the attack, which Osundairo called “fake.”

Osundairo testified that Smollett “had this crazy idea of having two MAGA supporters attack him.”

His brother, Abimbola Osundairo, had offered a similar account while on the witness stand on Wednesday.

Olabinjo Osundairo said he believed Smollett’s plan was to sensationalize the attack on social media, not to involve the police.

Breitbart News also noted that video recordings and other evidence bolster the brothers’ accounts.

The prosecutor in the case has said some of that evidence includes tape of Smollett conducting a “dry run” of the attack before it was executed.

Smollett is charged with six counts of felony disorderly conduct for filing what prosecutors say was a false police report about the January 2019 incident, one count for each time told the cops the story.

If convicted, he could get a maximum of three years in prison. Breitbart News added that legal experts believe if Smollett is convicted, he most likely would receive a sentence of probation and community service.

The case is becoming an embarrassment to liberals who immediately believed Smollett and denounced the supposed attack because they are so invested in promoting the idea of America as a white supremacist country.

Chief among them is now-Vice President Kamala Harris, who at the time of the incident tweeted that Smollett was the victim of “an attempted modern-day lynching.”

“Nobody should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate,” added Harris, referring to the fact that Smollett is also gay. 

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