racisms at colleges

Yale Clamps Down On Racism, Except When It’s Directed At Whites

A few years ago, a fraternity member at Yale University reportedly – the account is disputed – told minority women looking to enter a party that “white girls only” were being let in.

The incident helped lead the Ivy Lague school to create a $50 million endowment to recruit “diverse” faculty and double funding for centers serving African, Asian, Latino, and Native American students.

Around that same time, a campus committee warned students about Halloween costumes that were considered “cultural appropriation.” A white professor sent a widely circulated email saying students should “dress themselves.” Within a few months, she stepped down because of the criticism from students and faculty.

A couple of years ago Yale changed the name of a residential college named for John C. Calhoun, an 1804 Yale grad, former vice president of the U.S., and one of the towering political figures of the 19th century because of his defense of slave-holding – in the 19th century.

But leaders at Yale cannot find it with them to apologize or take any action after a recording emerged last week of a New York psychiatrist, speaking at a campus event, announced that she harbored “fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way.”

Dr. Aruna Khilanani made the comments two months ago at Yale’s Child Study Center, in giving a talk entitled “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind.”

Moderate columnist Bari Weiss posted a recording of the remarks on her Substack page last week.

“I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step,” Khilanani said. “Like I did the world a f***ing favor.”

She also referred to whites, when talking about race, as “demented, violent” predators pretending to be superheroes. She admitted that she had dumped all her white friends.

On Monday, leaders at Yale’s Medical School released a statement.

“Yale School of Medicine does not condone imagery of violence or racism against any group,” it said in one part. Even though the medical school was aware of the topic before Khilanani spoke on campus. 

But then they also acknowledged that although “the tone and content antithetical to the values of the school,” and despite the “extreme hostility, imagery of violence, and profanity expressed by the speaker,” they felt it was important to release it to the world to firm up “Yale’s commitment to the right of free expression.”

Freedom that was once denied to one of Yale’s own professors, by the way.

Khilanani later told The New York Times her remarks were taken out of context, and that she used such language as “provocation as a tool for real engagement.”

Here’s the simple test to find out whether this is even true.

Take Khilanani’s remarks and substitute the word “black” for the word “white,” and imagine the reaction.

Anti-white racism remains the only acceptable form of bigotry left for the left.

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3 Replies to “Yale Clamps Down On Racism, Except When It’s Directed At Whites”

  1. This woman seriously has mental problems and needs to be suspended from teaching and receive a total psych evaluation before she’s allowed back near School.

  2. I have been treated so badly in public by blacks. I was confronted by a black man demanding money from me. When I told him no, he repeatedly slammed his elbow into my car window after I rolled it up. He was screaming at me about my “white privilege.”. I have lived paycheck to paycheck the last 10 years. Lost my house thanks to Obama’s housing crap, lost my job when he rolled out Obama care. Did I say anything? NO!
    But BY GOD IM SAYING IT NOW! SCREW OFF, YOU DEMS,BLM, ANTIFA YOU HAVE LOST YOUR DAMN MINDS. Keep coming after us that are just trying to feed our families I swear to you, you are going to regret it

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