US Flag (File)

Biden’s Pentagon: Still Proud Of LGBTQ+ Troops, Even If We Won’t Fly The ‘Pride’ Flag

The Pentagon has told troops to keep the “pride” flags under wraps during Pride Month.

As the rest of the federal government and corporate America bends over backward to show its commitment to the LGBTQ+ agenda, the Defense Department will not make an outward display of such support – except, of course, for openly courting transgender troops and those with same-sex parents to fight the next war.

It’s one more piece of the Trump legacy that President Joe Biden will keep in place.

According to The Hill, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper announced a flag policy that was intended to stop displays of the Confederate battle flag. But that means the so-called pride flag and banners for sports teams also got tabled.

“After some careful consideration, the department will maintain the existing policy from July of 2020 regarding the display or depiction of unofficial flags,” Defense Department spokesman John Kirby recently told reporters.

“There won’t be an exception made this month for the Pride flag.”

One might wonder if Biden, who was the No. 2 in the administration that lit up the White House in the rainbow colors when the U.S. Supreme Court green-lit gay marriage, might have decided that pride flags fluttering above U.S. military installations would be more than many traditional Americans could take.

Kirby told the media that the Pentagon’s decision was intended to fend off other potential “challenges” to the policy. But, he added, it in “no way reflects any lack of respect or admiration for people [from] the LGBTQ+ community, the personnel in and out of uniform who serve in this department.”

“We are proud of them,” Kirby added.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has taken a significantly different approach than Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who has authorized the flying of the pride standard at U.S. embassies, except in predominantly Muslim countries where homosexuality is criminalized, and in some instances punished by death.

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One Reply to “Biden’s Pentagon: Still Proud Of LGBTQ+ Troops, Even If We Won’t Fly The ‘Pride’ Flag”

  1. I don’t care what people’s preference are but we are one Nation Under God and have ONE American flag. THe US flag should be ONLY flag flown period! That is for ANY place an American flag is flown. We can’t keep bowing down for political groups.

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