A Fox News panel blasted President Joe Biden’s Christmas speech Friday for “not mentioning Christ,” while one panelist called Biden out for hypocrisy when discussing political polarization.

Critics Trash Biden’s Christmas Speech As Hyperbolic Hypocrisy

A Fox News panel blasted President Joe Biden’s Christmas speech Friday for “not mentioning Christ,” while one panelist called Biden out for hypocrisy when discussing political polarization.
President Joe Biden, Source: White House

On Sunday, Christians will celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. But President Joe Biden managed to take Christ out of Christmas.

The allegedly devout Catholic president on Thursday declined to identify the reason for the season in his Christmas address on Thursday.

In his 8-minute speech, Biden referenced “the birth of a child — a child Christians believe to be the son of God.” But He apparently was the child who shall not be named.

Jesus was out, and the only time Biden mentioned Christ was in saying the word “Christmas.”

Biden called on Americans to “spread a little kindness” during the holiday season.

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Biden, the same president who has painted his opponents as white supremacists and insurrectionists, also noted that he hoped our nation could “drain the poison that has infected our politics and set us against one another.”

“I hope this Christmas season marks a fresh start for our nation, because there is so much that unites us as Americans, so much more that unites us than divides us.”

Biden, who has done more to pit Americans against each other than any president since at least Abraham Lincoln, did not bother to say what exactly unites Americans any more.

Near the end of his speech, Biden noted that on Christmas Eve 1968, the astronauts of Apollo 8 read the Bible’s creation story from deep space. The astronauts noted that God, in the beginning, said “Let there be light.”

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“That light is still with us, illuminating our way forward as Americans and as citizens of the world. A light that burned in the beginning and at Bethlehem. A light that shines still today in our own time, our own lives,” said Biden.

As CNSNews.com noted, however, Biden’s speech was the second consecutive Christmastime address that abandoned Jesus Christ, and offered a sharp departure from his predecessor.

The outlet noted as an example that former President Donald Trump, in a 2019 Christmas speech, openly talked about Christ.

“More than 2,000 years ago, a brilliant star shone in the East.  Wise men traveled far, far afield. I mean, they were a long distance away. And they came and they stood with us under the star, where they found the Holy Family in Bethlehem,” Trump said at the time. “As the Bible tells us, when the Wise Men ‘had come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and fell down and worshiped him.’”

“Christians give thanks that the Son of God came into the world to save humanity. Jesus

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Christ inspires us to love one another with hearts full of generosity and grace,” Trump continued. “And at Christmas, we remember this eternal truth: Every person is a beloved child of God.  As one grateful nation, we praise the joy of family, the blessings of freedom, and the miracle of Christmas.”

Former Arkansas Republican Gov. Mike Huckabee criticized Biden for this lack of a simple gesture.

In an interview with Newsmax on Friday, Huckabee said, “Joe Biden can’t seem to come to grips with the fact that Christmas is about Jesus Christ. You don’t have to love or worship Jesus Christ to acknowledge that.”

“You just have to acknowledge that the reason that there is such a thing as Christmas, which means the mass of Christ, or the worship of Christ, is because it’s about Jesus, born 2,000 years ago. Shouldn’t be that hard.”

Huckabee also trashed Biden for calling for unity at Christmas.

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“This is the guy who has created more poison and more bile in the body politic of America than anybody I know,” he told Newsmax.

“Nobody can hold a candle to ‘jump in’ Joe Biden, who jumps to every conclusion,”

Huckabee added. “And even in his remarks, as he talks about unity and bringing together all this new wonderful ‘Kumbaya’ spirit, this is the guy who basically said that half of America represents a threat to democracy.”

“You don’t bring unity when you accuse people on the other side of being an actual threat to the very system of government we have,” Huckabee added. “It’s absurd.”

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