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Idaho Man Gets 25 Years in Prison for Sexual Exploitation of a Child

Adrian Ray Dealy, 43, was sentenced to 300 months in federal prison for sexual exploitation of a child, Acting U.S. Attorney Rafael M. Gonzalez, Jr. announced today. Senior U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill also ordered Dealy to serve ten years of supervised release following his prison sentence.

Dealy pleaded guilty to the charges on May 11, 2021.

According to court records, Dealy has a previous federal conviction for possession of sexually explicit images of minors. When Dealy was released from federal prison in 2013, he began serving a term of supervised release under the supervision of the U.S. Probation Office.

As part of his supervision terms, Dealy’s cellphone was equipped with software that monitored his cellphone activity.

In February 2020, Dealy’s probation officer learned he was using his cellphone to communicate with minors using a livestream video application.

The probation officer referred the investigation to a special agent with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). In reviewing information that had been created by the monitoring software on Dealy’s cellphone, the HSI special agent located evidence that Dealy had communicated, or attempted to communicate, with seven minor children and asked them to send him explicit images of themselves or undress for the camera.

Judge Winmill also ordered Dealy to forfeit the cellphone that was used to commit the offense. As a result of the conviction, Dealy will be required to register as a sex offender.

Acting U.S. Attorney Gonzalez commended the cooperative efforts of Homeland Security Investigations and the U.S. Probation Office, which led to charges.

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