Elise Stefanik Opinion

Op-Ed: Stefanik, House Republicans Are Making A ‘Commitment To America’

Elise Stefanik Opinion
Op-Ed By: Elise Stefanik

At a time when every American is suffering from an inflation crisis, energy crisis, border crisis and crime crisis due to the Democrats’ failed policies, President Joe Biden chose to give his most divisive campaign speech ever.

He chose to denigrate and demean tens of millions Americans, all while shamefully using U.S. Marines in attempt to bring his gravitas event and further politicize the military.

Biden’s Far Left agenda has failed the American people and now he has turned to dividing the American people, but House Republicans have a “Commitment to America” that we can unite behind.

In order to save Americans from the failures one-party Democrat rule in Washington has created, we must support candidates who will help us enact this Commitment to America to provide a critical check on Joe Biden’s reckless and failed leadership.

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House Republicans are committed to an economy that is strong. I have led the charge in Congress to rein in reckless government spending. My bill will hold the administration accountable by requiring them to take into account the inflationary impact of any executive action.

We are already witnessing Biden’s failure to account for the families he is crushing under inflation as he doubles down on reckless spending with his unconstitutional student loan bailout that will cost taxpayers $500 billion dollars. In a Republican majority, we will put families working to balance their budget first.

Additionally, we are committed to a nation that is safe. As Biden continues to incentivize illegal immigration, he has made every state a border state and created a humanitarian crisis across this nation. Flights of migrants have been shipped to New York State in the dead of night, making our communities less safe.

Drug cartels are using Biden’s open border to smuggle a record amount of fentanyl across our southern border, making fentanyl the leading cause of overdose death as overdose deaths hit an all-time high last year. This is devastating communities and families across America, and we must uphold the laws at our border and hold the Biden administration accountable for causing this crisis by failing to uphold our immigration laws.

And House Republicans have a commitment to a future that is free. Right now, as our students return back to the classroom, we are seeing the devastating consequences of learning loss caused by prolonged mandatory lockdowns and negative developmental impacts of authoritarian mask mandates.

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In a Republican majority, we will bring the concerns of parents to the highest levels, enact our Parents Bill of Rights, and ensure parents have a right to know what is going on in their child’s classroom.

Finally, a Republican-controlled House will hold Joe Biden accountable to causing crisis after crisis for the American people by providing a check on his Administration’s power, which has gone unchecked for far too long. Make no mistake, accountability and transparency will be a hallmark of a Republican Congress.

The choice this November is simple: if you support an economy that is strong, a nation that is safe, a future that is free, and a government that is accountable, then we humbly ask for your support and vote in November as we work to save America.

Elise Stefanik is the chairwoman of the House Republican Conference and represents New York’s 21st Congressional District.

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