Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (File)

Plot To “Kidnap” Michigan Gov. Whitmer Has Indications Of A Dry Run For FBI Entrapment Plan For Jan 6

Away from the glaring light of the anti-Trump Jan. 6 riot narrative promoted by the national media and Democrats in Congress, questions are emerging as to whether the FBI, or its informants, actually instigated the violence that day.

Now, a new piece on the American Greatness website wonders whether the FBI took a dry run of the mayhem at the U.S. Capitol with the alleged plot to “kidnap” Michigan’s Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

As The Free Press reported in October 2020, the feds busted six men for plotting to kidnap Whitmer.

The FBI foiled the plan by relying on confidential informants and undercover agents. Seven other people were arrested by state authorities for aiding the conspiracy.

Julie Kelly, a columnist for American Greatness, wrote on Wednesday that the case against the alleged kidnappers is collapsing.

“Defense attorneys in the Whitmer case are carefully compiling evidence that depicts an elaborate tale of FBI entrapment; at least a dozen FBI informants were involved in the failed plot—equaling one FBI asset per defendant,” Kelly wrote. “FBI agents handling the informants directed every move. They funded training and reconnaissance trips, and even organized a ‘national militia’ conference in Ohio in June 2020 to lure potential accomplices.”

The surveillance of the supposed plotters in Michigan evolved from an ongoing FBI effort to spy on “militia” members in Maryland, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Indiana who were actually forming opposition to COVID-19 lockdown policies, Kelly noted. That was dubbed Operation Cold Snap.

Bolstering the case that the allegations in the Whitmer case are deflating, the government has struck three key FBI agents from testifying in the case they put together.

One of them, Henrik Impola, was “deeply involved in every facet of the Whitmer plot,” and “his testimony is crucial to persuading a jury that the men on trial conspired to abduct Whitmer from her vacation home last year,” Kelly wrote.

But he won’t take the witness stand.

Defense lawyers have accused Impola of perjuring himself in another case.

“In fact, the Justice Department notified the court on Friday that all three of the top FBI agents in charge of the Whitmer investigation, including Impola, will not testify on behalf of the government amid accusations of misconduct, domestic abuse charges, and political bias,” Kelly said.

One of those other agents, Jayson Chamber, used the Michigan case to anonymously promote his moonlighting as a cybersecurity consultant. Chambers was also involved in an effort to try to “entrap” a disgruntled Vietnam vet to assassinate Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam before the 2020 election, Kelly wrote.

The third agent benched by prosecutors, Richard Trask, was arrested over the summer for beating his wife in a drunken rage, according to Kelly.

A still from body cam footage shows Richard Trask being arrested. (courtesy)

Trask’s wife told the police that after the couple attended a “swingers party” at a hotel in Kalamazoo, he banged her head against a nightstand “multiple times,” and “choked her out.”

This week, Trask pled no contest, and was sentenced to time served — for the two nights he spent in jail after his arrest.

Kelly related that a local TV news ( crew in Grand Rapids found Trask’s anti-Trump social media rants.

In one post, from March 28, 2020, Trask berated former President Donald Trump as “a piece of shit president,” and added that he hoped Trump “would burn in hell” for how he handled the pandemic.

Kelly related that a local TV news crew in Grand Rapids found Trask’s anti-Trump social media rants. In one post, from March 28, 2020, Trask berated former President Donald Trump as “a piece of shit president,” and added that he hoped Trump “would burn in hell” for how he handled the pandemic.
Facebook Screenshot

“Trask posted the message just as the FBI-concocted kidnapping scheme took off,” Kelly noted.

Prosecutors have not only notified the judge that they won’t call the trio as witnesses, but they also want the judge to block the defense from raising the issue of the alleged perjury, the moonlighting and the wife-beating conviction.

But Kelly added that the government’s case in the Whitmer caper has other challenges.

Defense attorneys, she said, have outlined “nearly 260 texts, group chat messages, and audio recordings proving extensive planning and coordination between FBI agents and their confidential sources. The communications, according to defense counsel, also show the would-be kidnappers pushed back on the FBI’s plan on several occasions.”

“If the prosecution completely falls apart either before March or during trial, the outcome would deliver a huge blow to the already collapsing narrative about January 6,” Kelly suggested.

“The two events are inextricably tied with numerous intersections — not the least of which is that the head of the FBI’s Detroit field office, Steven D’Antuono, was promoted to run the  FBI field office in Washington, D.C., one week after the arrests in the Whitmer plot were announced. That’s the same FBI office running the bureau’s Capitol investigation.”

“Was Operation Cold Snap the launching pad for both the Whitmer plot and the Capitol protest?” Kelly concluded. “The American people cannot — and should not — ignore the similarities.”

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2 Replies to “Plot To “Kidnap” Michigan Gov. Whitmer Has Indications Of A Dry Run For FBI Entrapment Plan For Jan 6”


  2. The FBI and the Biden Regime are owned by the CCP. Full suppression of your rights is the order of the day, all day, every day. FJB.

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